Join me for Online Mantra Meditation
I’m inviting you to live chanting and devotional heart-opening practices (kirtan) Monday morning, June 1, 8.30 - 9.15 CET ✨🎶
Get a chance to retune your awareness, leave the world outside for a moment and return to the beauty of the loving heart, with chanting of ancient mantras in the tradition of Bhakti Yoga.
By repeating these mantras, we are strengthening our feeling of clarity and peace inside and it offers us an opportunity to meet the difficulties of the world with a more calm, loving and compassionate spirit. ❤️
It’s free and everyone is welcome to participate.
To join the live streaming go here:
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Chanting of ancient mantras
Immerse yourself in Sanskrit and Hindi prayers and the practice of kirtan, a call-and-response chanting of ancient mantras. Through the repetition of the divine names, we are able to still the mind and slowly uncover what is inside of ourselves, underneath our thoughts and emotions, and experience the field of pure being and awareness that is always present.
The more we do practice and keep coming back to the mantra, the easier it gets to let go of our thoughts and allow the emotions to gently pass through and dissolve. We develop the ability to watch the thoughts as they come and go with less judging and without getting caught up in them.
Chanting is a meditation technique that helps us reconnect with the silence and the inner presence of peace, bringing us back to the source; the infinite state of our true Self.
Free Download - ‘Om Purnam’
I’m offering a Free Download of the mantra ‘Om Purnam - Mantra of Perfection’ which will be on my upcoming mantra album.
About Jakob
Musician by heart.
My entire life has revolved around music. Since before my teenage years I have been performing professionally. I have released several albums, toured intensively and topped the charts within the pop industry as both a producer and a songwriter and with my band The Loft.
Yoga and meditation has been an integral part of my life parallel to my music for more than a decade.
For the last two years I have been studying meditation, Indian philosophy, mantra music and traditional kirtan intensely with different teachers in both India and Denmark and I have been leading kirtan in Copenhagen on a regular basis.
I’m currently working on new recordings of some of my favourite chants and mantras which will be available in the spring of 2020.
Read more about the upcoming album HERE.