Step out of time. Return to the peaceful simplicity within yourself.
SoundStillness is open evenings where we jointly step back and examine the human conditions. We use sound, meditation and self inquiry as tools to move beyond mind and language. In this way, the room for clarity and insight naturally arises.
The aim is to approach an understanding of what freedom and peace is, and where it exists.
SoundStillness is a dynamic space without prejudices. We work and support each other towards a deeper understanding of who we are and what consciousness is. Step out of time. Return to the peaceful simplicity within yourself.
“Silence is the language of God, all else is a poor translation.” - Rumi
You will experience
Kirtan: We sing mantras together to connect through the heart. The Sanskrit word mantra means to “cross over the mind”, because it’s the effect of the sound, not the meaning of the word that is important.
Guided meditation: We rediscover and strengthen the awareness of deep peace and stillness that is always in and around us.
Breathing exercises / Pranayama: We create balance through work with the body’s more subtle energy patterns.
Inquiring dialogue: We investigate through questioning and inquiry how we relate to thoughts, feelings, world concept, personal narrative and identity.
Price: 80 Kr. - Sign up here
About Kåre & Jakob
Kåre Troelsen (Vijay Shyam) Certified meditation and philoshopy teacher. He is trained at the International Meditation Institute in Kullu, India, where he has studied for 10 years with a master in the Himalayas. He has visited India frequently over the last 30 years, also studying Buddhism and Sufism. Futhermore he is a therapist, writer and mountain hiker.
Jakob Weise Musician by heart. Has been involved professionally in the music business as a singer and a songwriter for over 20 years. Now studying meditation, Indian philosophy, mantra music and traditional kirtan with different teachers in both India and Denmark.
Free Download - ‘Om Purnam’
For a limited time I’m offering a Free Download of the mantra ‘Om Purnam - Mantra of Perfection’ which will be on my upcoming mantra album.